Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 with English Subtitles
Are you looking for Kurulus Osman season 4?
In this post you will find all the info in regards to Kurulus Osman Season 4.
There is no official confirmed date for Kurulus Osman episode 99, however according to some rumours we are looking at the first week of October.
Ipek Karapınar, the actress of Destan, who will make the series final, and Nihat Altınkaya, who left the Teskilat the end of last season.. Two new actors joined the record-breaking series. Successful actor Gökham Mumcu joined the series team. Gökhan Mumcu, who took a break from acting due to the pandemic after “Bandit Does Not Rule the World”, will appear in front of the audience in Kurulus Osman with a surprise character.
Young star Miray Akay was also among the stars of the new season of Establishment Osman. It is said that Akay, who is expected to join the story as Öktem’s daughter, will get closer to Aktemur (Taha Baran Özbek).
One rumour Kaan Yalcin who was in Mendirman Jalolidin – Bozkir Aslani will also join Kurulus Osman season 4.
Today some photos were released of Mehmet Bozdag alongside Burak Ozcivit who plays Osman bey along with all the other actors, pictures showed the team reading the script in their costumes, the caption under the images read, reading over time to film!

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